Executives & Professionals Quiz

This quiz is a helpful way to assess your level of satisfaction within your professional life, and pinpoint areas that may need attention. Please feel free to complete the quiz for your own insight, and if you feel you could benefit from starting a conversation with me, simply provide your name and email and hit the ‘submit’ button!

  1. I am feeling burnt-out in my current career/job, but don’t know what to do next.
  2. I am a high achiever/overachiever, but feel stuck in a career/job that doesn’t recognize my contributions and talents.
  3. I am ready to take my career to the next level, but need strategies to achieve my goals.
  4. I have limited opportunities to grow in my area of work.
  5. My values don’t align with the values of my work or employer
  6. I’m stuck in a career that was not of my own choosing.
  7. I lack the confidence to move up the ladder in my career.
  8. I am always putting out “fires” at work.
  9. I have unresolved conflicts with my boss/colleagues/employees.
  10. Emails, tasks, meeting and projects tend to overwhelm my time and effectiveness.
  11. If you answered “true” for at least one of these statements, coaching with Tap the Joy will help you leverage your strengths, talents and values into more fulfilling work as an executive or a professional. If you're ready to start the conversation, please fill out your contact info below and hit the 'Submit' button.
  12. (required)
  13. (required)

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